Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The unemployment war

Did you know we were in battle? That those who are unemployed have a harder time than those who are employed to even find a job because employers won’t even consider you? How is this going to repair the state of the economy if companies refuse to even consider people whom aren’t currently employed? I heard months ago that McDonalds, the fast food chain, was only considering people with a current job. Joking I said, “I guess that means I can’t even get a job at McDonalds,” but the jokes on me, since I really can’t.
It seems it is better to be underemployed than unemployed. I’m sure that most unemployed people would agree, if they could even get underemployed. I received a phone call in reference to a job I applied for, and the woman on the phone said she actually had another job in mind for me that they had available. She said I applied for a job under my education level. Wow, someone actually read my resume. Then came the dreaded salary question.
Sure it is appreciated that I was actually told the salary this time, but when I put my normal positive spin on the low number, she basically told me not to hold my breath on being promoted or getting out of that range while in that position. She then mentioned my charity work. Yes, I didn’t get paid for that, but this is not charity, this is a profit based operation, I don’t feel like working “for free” for them. The original thought was to get an entry level position where moving up was a possibility, that image seems to be shattering as well. Is growth not a foreseeable future with these companies? What happened to the days where you started out in the mailroom and years later you are the Vice President of Operations?
We are in battle people. It is happening right now.  In this battle those who have a job you are battling to keep them. For those who are underemployed to be pushed up into the ranks of the fully employed. For those whom are unemployed to finally join the masses of the employed. Every day you must be prepared to wage battle, because one misstep is all it takes in these hard times. But do not settle, aim high, because we might be wary but we are stronger than we think.  

1 comment:

  1. It really is sad out there. I will be coming up on 6 years at my company. When i first started, we were crazy busy. We got all kinds of perks. In these 6 years I have seen it go down the toilet. after my second year.. the raises stopped, and they just started taking stuff away. including hours.

    I wish you luck in your constant struggle to find something.. it's sad, but there just isn't shit out there.. you are right though.. those of us with jobs are struggling to keep them. I do feel secure where I am for the most part.. but I never let my guard down becuase you just never know.
